Reação à ESPN Brasil já! (da redação)

espn brasil

Torcedor(a) do Fluminense,

Não basta apenas indignar-se com os crimes cometidos por jornalistas contra nosso time e nossa torcida recentemente. É preciso agir.

De imediato, duas formas bastante interessantes.

A primeira delas, acessando e tomando as devidas providências.

A segunda, acessando o site da ESPN internacional e enviando o texto abaixo.


Honorable President of ESPN International,

As subscribers of cable channel ESPN BRAZIL which belongs to that group , we inform you about serious events during the month of December 2013 and January 2014. Some sports presenters / commentators who work for the ESPN group ( ESPN BRAZIL ), we can mention the following people Antero Greco, Mauro Cézar Pereira e Márcio Guedes, so frivolous and irresponsibly, have repeatedly been linking the name of the Brazilian professional football club, Fluminense Football Club, to illegal maneuvers occurred in the 1990s and, recently, on the occasion of the trial of two other football associations for irregularities that go against the rule of the last competition of national football. As it’s wide known, ESPN BRAZIL is an important reference in the national sport, and, mainly, important means of communication and opinion in sports in Brazil, especially football.


So, the staff of the channel mentioned above, transmit, to the public subscriber, opinions based on knowingly untrue precepts that the soccer club Fluminense Football Club would be involved in episodes of tampering rules of soccer competitions, commonly known by episodes such pejorative terms, as “off the field actions” or “a decision from the bench “.

Such statements are released to the public in a wrong and malicious form as it is a notorious fact that Fluminense Football Club has never articulated any operation, directly or indirectly, to prevent it from obeying the general determinations of competitions, especially when it comes to the relegation and all criteria have been fullfilled by the club.

These pieces of information also show evident irresponsibility, since they induce the majority of the public opinion to believe that Fluminense Football Club behaves this bad way over and over again, transforming it, unfairly, in the true villain of the Brazilian football .


The lies propagated by these media professionals tarnish the image of the club nationally and internationally, and have been even causing, by rival fans, reactions of physical and moral violence against fans of Fluminense Football Club through the streets across many Brazilian cities, a fact widely reported by the national press.

Thus, in order to defend the centenary institution name Fluminense Football Club, preserving it from unfounded, untrue and irresponsible accusations as well as the physical and moral integrity of its fans throughout Brazil, the undersigned Fluminense Football Club fans and subscribers of ESPN BRASIL cable channel, come to ask you that the professionals listed above refrain from linking the name Fluminense any pejorative term linked to schemes in Brazilian football, as well as relate it to any direct or indirect manipulation of the activity of pre-stated rules of competitions sports that the CLUB participated.

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Tão logo novos atos sejam preparados, o PANORAMA fará a divulgação a respeito.


Panorama Tricolor




  1. O atual silêncio da ESPN é constrangedor e nos diz muitas coisas. De uma hora para a outra eles se calaram. Especialmente Antero Greco e Leonardo Bertozzi. Antero deixou de lado o assunto até mesmo no Estadão onde escreve artigos medíocres e repletos de inverdades.

    A torcida tem que exibir mosaicos condenando a ESPN e entoar cânticos contra esta turma.

    Nunca deveremos usar de violência. É a fidalguia que nos distingue de tantos outros.

    Os covardes são eles. E os heróis não se…

  2. feito também Andel! vamos ver se eles agem como fizeram antes com aquele lusitano que sacaneou a torcida do grêmio, ou é só com defensor de time pequeno que eles tomam providências. Agora, se rodarem os anões do tapetão, Antero Greco & Mauro Cézar Pereira, já seria um bom começo…


  3. Muito boa, Brou!
    Apoiado e feito! Vamos bombar o site desses @#$%¨&*

    André Sergio.

  4. Perfeito! Já enviei o meu. Agora tá faltando o boicote ao cana pela imensa torcida do Fluminense. Eu mesmo já não estou sintonizando na ESPN Brasil. Chega dessa mídia tendenciosa e sem ética.

  5. Vcs. acham que os ianques, donos da espn, não sabem?

    Eles querem ver o circo em chamas!

    Primeiro o Flu depois o . ..

    O alvo intermediário, a Copa… depois…
    conforme li no twitter….

    nada melhor para homenagear o cinquentenário de um golpe, que outro golpe.

    1. Tão logo novos atos sejam preparados, o PANORAMA fará a divulgação a respeito.

      Aguarde, Hunter 🙂

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    Primeiro nome, CEP, endereco de email, na secao I have a: marcar a segunda opcao de cima pra baixo, na proxima marcar video hub, depois marcar content, por ultimo nessa secao N/A, essa proxima nao eh obrigatoria mas eh bom colocar: complain about presentators depois colar o texto acima (cada parte de uma vez) na caixa message.

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